Thanks to the students who took charge and helped their fellow students get a free set of wheels.
Special thanks to:
Aaron Lum: For taking care of UW two years in a row and for always being willing to help.
Anthony Wonsono: For handling everything at GWU in 2013 and for being an extremely generous host.
Andreas Wolfe: For managing BC in 2013 and for being a helpful resource in Boston the following year.
Benjamin Goodman: For sharing your bike expertise and for being our main man in Boston for two years.
Brian Kim: For being a big help at USC in 2013 and for always being eager to learn and do more.
Cassie Collentine: For helping us launch at GWU in 2014 and for assisting our riders, despite all your performances.
Charles Ryan Lowe: For taking care of Gtown two years in a row. Your contribution made a huge difference!
Christian Matthews: For being our bike expert at UW and for being a reliable resource until the very end.
Connor Regan: For taking care of NU in 2013 completely independently and for helping us get publicity.
Daniel Artiga: For stepping up and helping us manage Harvard in 2014 to great satisfaction.
David Miller: For taking care of BU in 2014 despite snowmageddon! You got the toughest shift, but excelled.
Eamon Barkhordarian: For handling things at USC in 2014 and for representing FreeBike students in several interviews.
Emily Mushaben: For instantly volunteering and helping us find students in need for wheels at ASU in 2014.
Ethan Bialick: For being a helpful resource at USC in 2014 and for being at the forefront of sustainability.
Jeffrey Kim: For initiating a research project at NU in 2014 that provided us with some very insightful data.
Johan Qin: For taking care of NU in 2014 while demonstrating a high level of professionalism.
Karen Shilo: For always being proactive and positive while handling things at MIT in 2014.
Melissa Du: For being a valuable resource at Stanford in 2014 despite being busy with exams.
Meltem Demirors: For always getting the job done at MIT in 2013 and for getting us our main storage room in Boston!
Munaf Kachwala: For being a helpful resource at MIT in 2014, even while travelling the world.
Paul Lee: For being extremely professional, reliable and organized while handling everything at BC in 2014.
Richard Wang: For being a great rider at Harvard in 2013 and an even better manager in 2014.
Ryan Chiang: For handling everything at GaTech above and beyond, including wrapping up the operation there.
Septembra Lesane: For helping us launch and operate at Howard in 2013 with short notice.
Simon Kelly Campo: For being a valuable resource at UCB in 2014, even when things got a bit complicated.
Valerie Previl: For using your queen-like social skills to help us launch at Howard in 2013.
Zack Guzman: For managing Harvard flawlessly in 2013 and for being an awesome host.